Prior Art Search

Prior art, i.e., the knowledge existing prior to the invention, helps determine whether or not the invention is “new” and “non-obvious or inventive.” It is crucial to understand the prior art by conducting a detailed prior art search to distinguish between what is already known and what is new. Our team performs this search efficiently using a targeted approach for both business and patentability purposes.

Our prior art search Process

  1. Accessing all publicly available patent databases by performing keywords based search
  2. Sorting relevant patents, patent applications, and non-patent literature
  3. Reading patents, patent applications, and non-patent literature in-depth
  4. Analyzing the sorted hits for conflicts, if any
  5. Concluding on novelty and inventive steps or non-obviousness

Benefits of Our prior art search Service

  • Identifying potential obstacles in the patent application process
  • Avoiding infringement of existing patents
  • Saving time and resources by focusing on truly novel and non-obvious inventions
  • Enhancing the quality and strength of your patent applications

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